Have Any Questions
on Your Minds !
What is Round Table about?
What would I get out of it?
Are you just charity fund-raisers?
Apart from fund raising for local and international charities we also organise community services events. Additionally we further hold other events/activities such as Christmas Santa Pull, Convent Santa, Family BBQ amongst others.
Do you have to be a businessman to join?
Our members are drawn from a wide spectrum of occupations, in fact the majority of us are not businessmen.
Why should I consider joining?
It is an excellent forum through which to meet new friends the world over. You will have the opportunity to participate in events and charity work which you would otherwise not have the chance of doing, meeting people you would otherwise not have met and travel to places you would otherwise never have visited.
What do I have to do to join?
There is a requirement to be invited by an existing member ]. Contact one of the existing members or email us directly. The process then involves the attending a minimum number of three consecutive meetings which will allow us to get to know you and vice versa. The process then involves individuals to be nominated as a prospective member which is then following by an initiation service which takes place during the course of a selected meeting. There are no restrictions regarding political beliefs, religion, occupational or marital status.
Our aim is to ensure that it is not prohibitively expensive for our members to participate. We meet every second Tuesday of every month, except during the summer. Meetings usually involve may a sporting activity, speaker or other fund raising event followed by the ‘business meeting’ and optional dinner.